This week we have been learning to make a stop motion animation on google slide shows. Here is me and Callan's work.
Welcome to my blog. I am a student at Karoro School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Social Studies,
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Camp Thank You Letter
20 November 2018
Dear Rowan
Thank you for coming to our camp in Arthur Pass. I hope you had a good time on the tramp
and other activities. I enjoyed the river crossing that we did on the way back because it
was fun getting wet and going in the river. I also enjoyed doing the Squawk Squad challenge
to find the native birds because it was fun looking around for the clues that the parents set
up for us to find.
and other activities. I enjoyed the river crossing that we did on the way back because it
was fun getting wet and going in the river. I also enjoyed doing the Squawk Squad challenge
to find the native birds because it was fun looking around for the clues that the parents set
up for us to find.
A challenge for me was to keep up on the hike because I had extremely sore heels. I also
found the tyre challenge hard because it took us a long time to finish because no one knew
where to put the tyres.
found the tyre challenge hard because it took us a long time to finish because no one knew
where to put the tyres.
I enjoyed spending time with my friends at free time because it was good to talk to them
in my bunk room. Thank you again for all your help.
in my bunk room. Thank you again for all your help.
Ngā mihi
Yours sincerely Nathan K
Monday, 26 November 2018
This term we came up with our own patterns to enlarge by either a scale factor of 3 of a scale factor of 2. Here is my work.
Multi Link Block Shapes
This term we have been learning to draw 3D shapes. Today we made 3D shapes out of blocks. And we had to draw them on isometric paper.
We also had to draw all of the sides of the shape.
Monday, 5 November 2018
Descriptive Writing
At the moment in class, we have been working on descriptive writing. We have been using pictures to give us ideas of what to write about. Here is a piece of writing I did.😀
Click here for a link of the original work

Click here for a link of the original work
Bright City
Bright City is a massive abandoned city in the centre of a dark Kakariki jungle. Bright City was built and led by the king of Bright Bombers. Bright Bombers are people that look just like normal humans but they have rainbow clothes and they are 3 feet shorter.
The king forced the Bright Bombers to build a city better than Bob the builder. Instantly the Bright Bombers started to collect materials and then they started to build faster than a speeding bullet. After 7 years the city was finally finished. The king said to them that they are superhumans. 76 years later their city had gotten 19 times bigger than it was before.
One day suddenly the king's enemies flew over the city in big high tech fighter jets, their army was called the Dark Bombers. The Bright Bombers knew at once that war was coming.
The king started to wonder why the Dark Bombers were attacking his city but he had no time to think about that because he was in the war against the Dark Bombers.
The Bright Bombers sped over to the military base they had just recently built. When they arrived they got into their massive war tanks and Jets.
The Bright Bombers in the tanks tried to shoot down the jets but they were five times faster than a bullet train.
Suddenly a group of tanks smashed through the walls and gates straight away the Bright Bombers shot the tanks and BANG! the tanks were gone out of sight. The Bright Bombers in the jets were fighting as hard as they can but the Dark Bombers were war machines and the Bright Bombers could not fight anymore. Eventually, every single Bright Bomber abandoned the gigantic dark invaded city. BANG! A quarter of the city blew up and half of the Bright Bomber’s population was gone.
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Manu Information Report
What it is
A Piwakawaka (Fantail) is a small bird that is endemic (only found in one place) to New Zealand.
What it looks like
A Piwakawaka looks like a small bird that has a brown chest and a darker brown body.
Its face is dark brown and white. A Fantail gets its name from the shape of its tail because it looks like a fan.
Its face is dark brown and white. A Fantail gets its name from the shape of its tail because it looks like a fan.
Where does it live
Fantails are found in the North Island, South Island and the Chatham Islands.
They can also be seen in forests and scrub. It does not migrate to other places.
Feeding Behaviour
Fantails eat by holding its food in their foot against a perch and then they repeatedly peck their food. To get their food they flush insects out of the bush and then catch
them. Fantails mainly eat small insects like moth, flies, beetles, and spiders. They often follow humans because they disturb insects for them.
them. Fantails mainly eat small insects like moth, flies, beetles, and spiders. They often follow humans because they disturb insects for them.
Fantails breed in, August, September, October, November, December, January, February and
March. Fantails build a cup-shaped nest near the water. In a good year, they will have up to four sets of
March. Fantails build a cup-shaped nest near the water. In a good year, they will have up to four sets of
Social Behaviour
In fine weather Fantails search for food in overhangs of the ground.
They can often be found associating with flocks of other forest species.
They can often be found associating with flocks of other forest species.
Nathan. K
Monday, 17 September 2018
Monday, 10 September 2018
Reusable Bag And Beeswax Wrap Making
Our class made reusable bags and beeswax wraps to try reduce our waste. When we made our beeswax wrap I enjoyed melting the beeswax onto the fabric and I also liked grating the beeswax. I learnt that you just need to melt some grated beeswax onto fabric to make something that helps the environment.Even though I liked it I found it challenging grating beeswax.You can make your own beeswax wrap by putting fabric covered in grated beeswax between some baking paper and then melt the beeswax with an iron. Before we made our beeswax wraps. We sewed fabric together to make a reusable bag. I enjoyed sewing the handle onto my bag.
Friday, 7 September 2018
Where To Next?
Where To Next? Connected, Level 4
Turning Old into New
Science/Social Science learning goals 
We are learning to understand about the environments around us
and the negative of positive impact our actions can have on these environments.
and the negative of positive impact our actions can have on these environments.
Success criteria;
- identify and explain some of the issues facing our environment today
- identify some of the negative impacts humans are having on the environment
- identify some positive actions people are taking both here and
- around the world to try and help look after our environment.
- identify some positive actions we can take at school and in our
- own lives to help our environment.
- learn about our local bush track and creek and identify
- some ways in which we can help to look after (kaitiakitanga) these areas.
Reading Learning Goals
-I am learning to use sub-headings to guide me to the main ideas in text.
-I am learning to use illustrations, text boxes, charts and graphs to
\ help me make inferences so I get more information from the text.
\ help me make inferences so I get more information from the text.
-I am learning to use more than one text, in print or electronic formats, to
gather and check the accuracy of information.
gather and check the accuracy of information.
-I am learning to read a wide range of texts (e.g. encyclopaedias, websites,
newspapers) to gather and check information on a topic.
newspapers) to gather and check information on a topic.
-I am learning to explain why the author has written a text.
-I am learning to read and understand text that contains academic and
topic-specific vocabulary.
topic-specific vocabulary.
Read the text, ‘Turning Old Into New’ and then complete the following activities.
- Why is recycling a good idea?
Recycling is good because it reduces pollution and can be made into new things.✔️
- How many tons of rubbish do New Zealanders send to landfills every year?
New Zealand sends away 2.5 million tons of rubbish to different countries.✔️
- When rubbish breaks down what gas does it produce?
- What environmental problem does this contribute to?
When rubbish breaks down it releases toxic gases including co2 and methane gas.
The gases release co2 into the atmosphere and contributes to global warming.
- Complete this sentence: Everything we use is made from
- Earth’s Natural Resources
- Explain where these resources come from;
Wood: Wood comes from trees or plants. Some
woods like wood from pine trees, are considered
renewable because they can grow back.✔️
woods like wood from pine trees, are considered
renewable because they can grow back.✔️
Metal: Metal comes from rocks that are mined from the ground. It’s
nonrenewable because there is a limited amount available on Earth.✔️
nonrenewable because there is a limited amount available on Earth.✔️
Plastic: Plastic is a little more complicated. There are many different
kind of plastics, but most of are all made of the same natural resource- oil.✔️
kind of plastics, but most of are all made of the same natural resource- oil.✔️
6) How does oil form?
Oil forms from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.
The plants and animals were covered by mud and sand. Over millions of years,
the mud and sand built up into layers and turned into rock. The heat and pressure
from the rock turned the plant and animal matter into oil and gas.✔️
The plants and animals were covered by mud and sand. Over millions of years,
the mud and sand built up into layers and turned into rock. The heat and pressure
from the rock turned the plant and animal matter into oil and gas.✔️
7) What are some of the things glass can be recycled into?
Glass can be turned into countertops, flooring, tile landscaping stones and bricks.✔️
8) What are some of the things cardboard can be recycled into?
cardboard is used to make chipboard like cereal boxes, paperboard, paper towels,
tissues and printing or writing paper.✔️
tissues and printing or writing paper.✔️
9) What can plastic with the number 1 be recycled into?
Plastic #1 is recycled into soda and water bottles.✔️
10) Attach a google drawing here that explains how number 1 plastics can be turned into clothing.
11) What are microfibres and what is the problem with them?
Microfibers are tiny fibers from our clothes there problem is that they kill our underwater life.✔️
12) What is Earth Overshoot day?
Earth overshoot day is a concept created by the global footprint network.It marks
the date each year when people have used all the resources that planet can
regenerate in that year
the date each year when people have used all the resources that planet can
regenerate in that year
Glossary - Write what these words mean
Atoms:The smallest particle of a substance that can exist by itself or be
combined with other atoms to form a molecule.✔️
combined with other atoms to form a molecule.✔️
Carded:(relating to fibres) aligned in the same direction.✔️
Global Warming:A gradual increase in Earth’s average temperature due to increased
levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.✔️
levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.✔️
Malt:Barley or other grain that has been used for brewing beer✔️
Natural resources:Materials found in nature that can be used by people,
such as air, water, plants, animals and rocks✔️
such as air, water, plants, animals and rocks✔️
Synthetic:Something that is made by people and is the result of combining
different chemicals.✔️]
different chemicals.✔️]
In class we will be working on projects looking at issues around
rubbish and what we can do to help reduce this problem.
rubbish and what we can do to help reduce this problem.
Video Links
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Infographic - Reducing Waste In Our Lunch Boxes
Science/Social Science learning goals
We are learning to understand about the environments around
us and the negative of positive impact our actions can have on these environments.
us and the negative of positive impact our actions can have on these environments.
Success criteria;
- identify some positive actions we can take at school and in
- our own lives to help our environment.
Task: Create an infographic showing people how
they can reduce their waste in their lunchbox.
they can reduce their waste in their lunchbox.
Our co-constructed success criteria:
-Have a strong title/hook
-Use convincing language and images
-Have simple things people can do
-Use images (free to use)
-Use bullet points/ short sharp information
-Use correct punctuation and spelling.
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Jack And The Bean Stalk
Play Summary - Term 3 Weeks 1-2

For the next two weeks you are working in groups
to practise and perform a play. This is using our oral
language and reading skills in literacy. Our key
competency focus is participating and contributing.
to practise and perform a play. This is using our oral
language and reading skills in literacy. Our key
competency focus is participating and contributing.
For writing your task is to summarise the main
events in your play in three paragraphs.
You must plan your writing first but it is up
to you how you do your planning. You
must also write a fourth paragraph about your
experience of practising and performing your play.
events in your play in three paragraphs.
You must plan your writing first but it is up
to you how you do your planning. You
must also write a fourth paragraph about your
experience of practising and performing your play.
Yr 6
I am learning to organise my text into paragraphs which begin with
a main idea and contain supporting information/detail.
a main idea and contain supporting information/detail.
I am learning to make links across paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately.
I am learning to use dialogue punctuation accurately.
Yr 7
I am learning to use a range of different planning styles.
I am learning to plan my writing to suit the purpose of my writing.
I am learning to organise my ideas into paragraphs where the ideas
are clearly related and where there are links within and between paragraphs.
are clearly related and where there are links within and between paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately in my writing.
I am learning to use complex punctuation to enhance my writing
e.g. colons : and semi-colons ; , and parentheses ().
e.g. colons : and semi-colons ; , and parentheses ().
Jack And The Beanstalk
In the beginning Jack and his mother were very poor.
One day Jack’s Mother told him to sell their cow. Jack
said, “We are sorry to have to sell you, Daisy.” Jack
stops and points he said, “who’s that coming towards
us? He’s dressed in very fine clothes. I don’t think
I’ve ever seen this man around here before!”
One day Jack’s Mother told him to sell their cow. Jack
said, “We are sorry to have to sell you, Daisy.” Jack
stops and points he said, “who’s that coming towards
us? He’s dressed in very fine clothes. I don’t think
I’ve ever seen this man around here before!”
In the second part of the story, the man dressed
in fine clothes was a magic beans trader.
The magic beans trader said to Jack,
“Good day young man. Are you
Taking your cow to the market?”
Jack said, “Yes” The magic beans
trader said, “Wow! It must be my
lucky day.” Jack says, “What will
you give me for her?”
The magic beans trader said,
“Something even better than money
… magic beans plant them tonight and all your dreams will come true”
in fine clothes was a magic beans trader.
The magic beans trader said to Jack,
“Good day young man. Are you
Taking your cow to the market?”
Jack said, “Yes” The magic beans
trader said, “Wow! It must be my
lucky day.” Jack says, “What will
you give me for her?”
The magic beans trader said,
“Something even better than money
… magic beans plant them tonight and all your dreams will come true”
Jacks says, “Wow thank you please take care of her”
At the end of the story, Jack’s mum wakes
him up in the morning to show that there
was a giant beanstalk outside. Jack ran
outside to climb it. His mother told him
not to but he climbed it anyway.
He climbed higher and higher.
When Jack got to the top he saw a huge castle.
Jack says, “Wow everything is massive up here
I wonder who lives here.” Then Jack heard a
noise and went to hide. The giant shouts,
“Fee, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of and
englishman!” The giant repeats,
“Fee, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of
and english man!” The giant says,
“Sing” and the golden harp began
to play music and the giant fell asleep.
Jack steals the golden harp and the
hen that lays golden eggs. As Jack
runs away the giant wakes up and
starts to chase him. Jacks mum
chopped down the beanstalk and
Jack jumped down and landed in the
soft hay. And the giant was never seen again and
Jack and his mother are now rich.
him up in the morning to show that there
was a giant beanstalk outside. Jack ran
outside to climb it. His mother told him
not to but he climbed it anyway.
He climbed higher and higher.
When Jack got to the top he saw a huge castle.
Jack says, “Wow everything is massive up here
I wonder who lives here.” Then Jack heard a
noise and went to hide. The giant shouts,
“Fee, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of and
englishman!” The giant repeats,
“Fee, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of
and english man!” The giant says,
“Sing” and the golden harp began
to play music and the giant fell asleep.
Jack steals the golden harp and the
hen that lays golden eggs. As Jack
runs away the giant wakes up and
starts to chase him. Jacks mum
chopped down the beanstalk and
Jack jumped down and landed in the
soft hay. And the giant was never seen again and
Jack and his mother are now rich.
I think that our group did alright with teamwork
because it took us at least 30 minutes to start
rehearsing and they broke some of the props
because they were being silly. I think my team
did good in participation when we started
rehearsing they were doing good voices that suited the characters.
because it took us at least 30 minutes to start
rehearsing and they broke some of the props
because they were being silly. I think my team
did good in participation when we started
rehearsing they were doing good voices that suited the characters.
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