Welcome to my blog. I am a student at Karoro School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Monday, 11 December 2017
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Tips For The Bush And More
This week we are going on camp.We had to get into groups to present our knowledge about safety tips and hypothermia.😃
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Quick Writes Term 4
We have been working on Quick Writes. This is where you are given something to write about (a writing prompt) and you only have 10 minutes to write as much as possible using this writing prompt. For our writing prompts we will use either images or short videos.
1) FireWorks

1) FireWorks
As I entered the colorful smokey parade I smelt the terrible aroma of smoke. Then finally I got to a good place to see the colour clouds then suddenly the wind blew all of the karaka smoke over to me and then everywhere around me was sightless.
I felt blind the feel of the smoke was warm it felt like I was in bed. When I opened my mouth to say “where am I” smoke flew into my mouth it tasted like a burnt stick that had just been roasted soon the smoke got worse and I tried to evacuate but I was blinded so I was stuck in the karaka smoke cloud. I tried to get out of the smoke but I crashed into something so I just sat down and waited for the smoke cloud to go away.
2) Tomato Pulp
Tomato Pulp
When I arrived at the tomato fight I put on my goggles and walked into the tomato arena and when I took my first step in SPLAT! I got hit right in the face by a tomato. I stood in the corner, picked up a tomato and threw it at someones face they noticed me because I was the only one in that corner so he picked up seven tomatoes and threw them all at me I was Completely red then bang I had an idea I could camouflage in the tomatoes so i got on the ground and slithered over to someone and threw them into the tomatoes . POP! Some had jumped on a pile on tomatoes everyone was red so I did the same as that person Bang! Everyone was dripping with red. Suddenly something came to my mind if someone fell over there would be a set of human dominoes then suddenly someone fell and all I saw was red. Someone landed on my finger and when I woke up
3)Spider Man
I arrived in New York after hours of traveling when I walked out of the airport I took a few steps, looked around and I saw something was it a poo was it my mum no it was spiderman he was dancing on confetti somehow but I just went with it. He jumped from piece to piece and then suddenly he fell of the confetti.
He was plummeting to the ground but he shot a web out of his hand and swung along the building he thought he was so cool so he wasn’t paying attention and he crashed into a billboard and started plummeting again.
4) Stormy Day
When stepped outside I felt a big gust of wind hit me it felt like I got hit in the face by a baseball bat I took a few more steps FLASH! Lightning struck right next to me BANG! I heard thunder I got such a big fright I fell off the deck into the creek I climbed back up, ran inside and grabbed a jacket.
This time I did not take a step outside I just ran strait out then suddenly it started hailing in one spot how strange its started piling up 10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet, 50 feet it stopped then it started falling it was an avalanche I ran as fast as I could to avoid the hukāwhatu* avalanche but it was to fast for me I got crushed in the very very cold hukapapa*. When the avalanche passed over me I got up and ran through the creek to get inside but my foot got caught plant under water I tripped and fell on my face it was covered in blood luckily I had a pocket knife in my pocket so I grabbed it and looked ahead there was a big rapid coming at me I started to cut the plant Snap! The plant snapped I climbed up onto the bridge ran inside and dashed Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Beekeeper Quick Write
Quick Write Number One - The Beekeeper
For the next two weeks we are going to work on ‘Quick Writes.’ This is where you are given something to write about (a writing prompt) and you only have 10mins to write as much as possible using this writing prompt.
For our writing prompts we will use either images or short videos.
The purpose of this is to practise writing fluently.
When we look at our writing prompt we will have about 10-15 mins to discuss it and brainstorm some ideas and vocabulary.
Our learning goals are to:
-write a description, using powerful words and phrases
-include some Te Reo Māori
-carefully check that our sentences make sense and have correct punctuation and spelling.
When we are writing we need to think about…
- What do I want my reader to see?
2) What do I want my reader to hear?
3) What do I want my reader to smell?
-look closely at the picture or video
-think about the three key questions and the learning goals
-give yourself time to plan and write
Do your writing here
Once there was a beekeeper who loved to make honey for his family. Every day he checked his beehive to see how much honey his bees had made. One day, when he opened the frame of the beehive there was barely any bees in the beehive. They were in the trees that were covered with flowers. The trees looked like a bright galaxy. After he saw the bees he sighed and walked back to his house and tried to pass time by watching T.V. He couldn’t wait until the next day.
Thursday, 21 September 2017
Rainbros Political Party
This term we have been learning about NZ 2017 elections. We have tried making our own political parties. Here is mine. 🐸😶😁😁
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Maths Place Value
We are leaning to...
-Recognize how many tens and hundreds are in numbers. Here is my work.😌🐸😁😉
-Recognize how many tens and hundreds are in numbers. Here is my work.😌🐸😁😉
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
Maui Legends
As part of Matariki we re-read the legends of Maui. We then retold a legend and created artwork.Below is my work.🐸😌😃
How Nathan Slowed The Sun
By Nathan.K and Bethany
Once there was a boy called Nathan. He played all the time but the sun went too fast and the day was too short, so he had barely any time to play. So the next short day Nathan went outside and asked his sister Bethany to go with him and ask the sun to slow down. So after his sister said yes, Nathan and his sister started their journey to the sun. When they got warm feet they knew they were close but whenever they saw the sun rise it was still very far away. The next night they arrived were the sun would be able to hear them. So at sunrise they shouted out to the sun: “Hey Mr sun, can you please slow down more because there is barely any time to play.” “Well since you asked nicely I will slow down a bit.” “Thank you sun.” “No problem.” And from now on the sun slowed down and Nathan and Bethany had enough time to play.
Monday, 24 July 2017
Classroom Kupu
We have been learning how to say the names for classroom objects in Te Reo Maori. Here is the slideshow I did to show my learning😀😃🐸
Thursday, 6 July 2017
Science Term 2 2017
This Term we have been doing science. We have been learning about the water cycle and states of matter. Here is some of my learning.🐸
Persuasive Writing- It Is A Good Idea To Have Pets
We have been having a go at writing a piece of persuasive writing. Here is my piece of writing about why you should have a pet.🐸🐸
A Short Statement about the topic.
eg. ‘Rugby League Is A Great Sport’
You Need A Pet!!
Overview/ Statement of position
A brief statement of your view about the topic. What you believe or want to argue.
I Strongly believe that it is a good idea to have pets.
Series of Arguments
Your points supporting your view about the topic. Your arguments to support your statement and information to support these arguments.
-supporting detail, reasons, examples
Firstly, Pets are a good thing because they can be trained to do specific jobs like: Being a police dog, helping detect medical stuff. Some dogs have been trained to sniff out some medical problems with humans. Police dogs help sniff out drugs at airports and help find criminals by getting their scent and chasing after them.
Secondly, Pets are good because they keep you amused and they give you company. When you drop food on the floor you can just call them over and get them to eat it. They can be good to have around the house to catch mice and rats.
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Thirdly, pets are good because they can help people with disabilities like when someone isn’t capable of walking and they have a wheelchair they can get their dogs to pull them around or if there is a blind person they can get their pets to guide them around.
Dogs can help people who have been in the war and suffer from trauma, dogs can be very calming for people.
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Finally, pets are good because they can give you food like eggs and meat. Some pets like cows and goats can give you milk. With goats milk you can make cheese with it.
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Concluding statement
Summing it up. A summary of your arguments and your view on the topic.
In conclusion I think it is a good idea to have pets because they can be trained for specific jobs, they can give you food and they can help people with disabilities.🐸
Friday, 30 June 2017
Te Reo Maori words for clothing/Kakahu
In He Kakano we have been learning how to say the words for clothing/Kakahu in Te Reo Maori.
Watch My Slideshow and video below so that you can learn too. 🐸😉😀😁
Watch My Slideshow and video below so that you can learn too. 🐸😉😀😁
Traditional Maori Clothing / Kakahu
On Friday mornings I am in the He Kakano class which is a senior Te Reo Maori extension class.
We learn about Maori language and culture. This term we have been learning about traditional maori clothing and we had a go at creating our own garments.Here is our work. Please leave a positive, helpful and thoughtful comment.
Thursday, 6 April 2017
Rocky Shore Animal Work
We have been using our reading skills across the curriculum to learn about the rocky shore. Below is some work I did about a rocky shore creature that I was interested in.
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
My Sea Week Writing
For Sea Week we wrote about why the ocean is important. Here is my writing work. Please leave a kind, positive and thoughtful comment. Slides change every 10 seconds.😶😳😉😮😏😃😊.
My Chance And Probability Work
This term we have been learning about chance and probability in maths. Here is my DLO (digital learning object) about chance and probability. Please leave a kind, positive and thoughtful comment. 😳😉😃☺. Slides schange every 10 second.
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